Monday, September 15, 2014


"Mindfulness is the intentional, accepting and non-judgmental focus of one's attention on the emotions, thoughts and sensations occurring in the present moment." (Doc.1) I believe mindfulness to be the most important virtue we should all have. In our 'too busy to stop and breathe' world we tend to ignore those around us and miss out on important moments in life. Mindfulness is at the top of the list before other virtues such as piety, justice, wisdom, courage, moderation, and honesty because without mindfulness non of these would matter. If we weren't mindful while others were talking we wouldn't form enough relationships for honesty, piety and justice to be an issue. In order for there to be moderation you must first be self aware and mindful. It's very important for all of us to understand that even our presence can be bothersome or annoying if we aren't mindful of our own actions. All acts towards becoming self aware are mindful. All acts that involve the consideration of others are acts towards becoming self aware. Therefore all acts that involve the consideration are acts of mindfulness. Whether we like it or not we should care what others think. I don't mean care if they like your sense of style or your laugh but care what they think about how you present yourself. we should all strive to be better people that can influence someone's day on a positive level. we can not see into someone's day and determine how it will play out or what has already happened already, but we can change the present for that person. by being mindful we can assure that we are not presenting ourselves in an off putting manner. our whole purpose and goal in life is to make good connections and relationships with others that will help us in the future and that will ultimately help us be successful. you never know who could be the person that could help you in the long run. so by being mindful we aren't only helping ourselves in the long run but also improving the lives of others around us. this is why being mindful is the most important virtue.


  1. I agree that without mindfulness nothing else matters

  2. Mindfulness is a very important trait because without it a lot of things would be said that should not have been. We as a society should strive to better ourselves and those around us. Without mindfulness I believe that can't happen so it is very important this trait be developed by many.
