Monday, September 15, 2014

A virtue is defined as character trait that everyone should strive to develop; ambition is an example of a virtue that is very significant. In my opinion, ambition can be defined as a powerful desire to achieve a goal through hard work, perseverance, and determination. The essential character traits that define ambition are the pursuit of self-improvement in respect to personal goals, and also the desire to be successful because ambition is self-created. 
Ambition is considered to be a virtue because self-improvement is significant to one’s character, and ambition leads to self-improvement. If individuals do not display ambition, we would not be as successful in achieving our goals and thus, not go very far in life. Human beings seek to improve their relationships, grades in school, career status, financial situation, and enjoyment of life, among others. Without the ambition to improve these aspects of our life, we would remain stagnant with little to no enhancement to our character. These life goals we create over the course of our life are the framework towards developing higher and more significant achievements, which will ultimately be meaningful and fulfilling. In order to be ambitious, however, you must put in the time, work, and effort it takes; success is not going to just be handed to you.
1.     All hardworking people are ambitious.
2.     All successful people are hardworking.
3.     Therefore, all successful people are ambitious.
Ambition is considered to be a virtue also because no one is capable of handing you ambition, or taking away your ambition. In this sense, ambition is self-created, which takes great personal responsibility and desire to achieve your goals. You may feel inspired by others’ success, which can give you the yearning to have more ambition, but it is your own obligation to set personal goals in order be the best person you can be, and have the ambition and determination to achieve these goals. You are the person who takes the first step towards being an ambitious individual, no one else is going to do it for you; one must really desire success in order to obtain it. By doing so, you will ultimately view your life from a whole new angle and thus, develop your character further. You will feel more gratitude towards what you have gained throughout your life because it took hard work, determination, and most importantly, ambition to get to where you are now.

Ambition is considered a virtue because it leads to self-improvement and individual development, which is beneficial to one’s character because it leads to further improvement; ambition also displays that you desire success towards your life goals because ambition, as well as success, is self-made. Without ambition, which is an essential virtue, human beings would be much less evolved and developed as a species because ambition ultimately leads to success. 


  1. Revised Barbara Arguement:
    1. All ambitious people are virtuous
    2. All hardworking people are ambitious
    3. Therefore, all ambitious people are virtuous

  2. Your whole post was good. It was well written and really seemed thought out. I really liked how you connected ambition with working hard. I think the two go together really nicely. Also liked how you revised your Barbara arguement
