Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Acceptance: An Uncommon Virtue

Acceptance: An Uncommon Virtue

A virtue is a character trait people try to develop because they find it benefical to their personal lives. There are many virtues which include piety, justice, wisdom, courage, moderation, and honesty. These virtues help individuals benefit the society we live in today.
An important virtue everyone should develop is acceptance. Acceptance is understanding and taking a piece of information and coping with it. What this means is that some people when faced with a dilemma or a critical situation break down and can't accept it. What a lot of individuals need to develop is the mental ability to accept a given situation and from their cope with it. This "situation" can be just receiving a bit of information or can even stretch to an actual physical conflict.

Acceptance as a virtue is understanding or embracing a given thing rather than giving up or wishing for it to go away. It could relate to the acceptance of a social idea or a simple problem at home. What makes acceptance a virtue is several things. First off most virtues seem to be classified as traits that when possessed by an individual their life is better because of it. This can definitely be said for acceptance because it allows for people to cope with conflicts placed in their way. Acceptance like a lot of virtues is something that not every individual has mentally. However, this does not prevent them from trying to develop and aquire it in order to benefit society or just themselves.

1. All occurrences of conflict that are accepted are virtuous.

2. All accepted conflicts are beneficial for individuals.

3. Thus, all accepted conflicts are virtuous.

Acceptance is a virtue that I personally believe is as important as any other. It helps make life easier for people and probably can make a group stronger.


  1. I completely agree with your concept of what acceptance is. A lot of people do struggle to find their place and where they fit in.

  2. I agree with what you have to say about acceptance. I also feel like what you had to say about it also overlap with the qualities that one might have if they had determination. You stated that, "a virtue is understanding or embracing a given thing rather than giving up or wishing for it to go away" and a feel like a determined person also have these qualities.

  3. 1. All occurrences of conflict that are accepted are virtuous.
    2. All acceptances are beneficial.
    3. There, all acceptances are virtuous.
