Tuesday, September 16, 2014

BLOG 1- We need Loyalty!

     What is Loyalty? Everyone has their own perception of what loyalty means to them. It is a virtue that many people don’t have, and also one that many wish they had.  There are many forms of Loyalty and there are different extents that it travels. When dealing with a family member, a friend or a lover the separation of the word comes to play. It’s how devoted you are to a noun in your life.
     Loyalty is important to build long lasting friendships. It shows how intact you are with other, how you view them and how imperative they are to you. ” Loyalty means unswerving allegiance in what you do. It is in your mind and heart. Loyalty can be demanding and involve sacrifice. Loyalty is a form of LOVE. It is directed to another person or cause” said Clarence Francis.

     You can buy a person with using materialistic things. You can buy a person’s time, you cannot buy the devotion of hearts, minds, or soul, and these traits are thing you much gain over time. It’s easy to give a person something to keep them around but to actually build a bond with that person is different. You’ll know whether they are around for the items you gave them are because they enjoy your company.
  1. All who value relationships are loyal.
  2. All loving people are loyal.
  3. Therefore, if you value relationships your loyal.

I wonder how many of us fit in the category of being loyal, whether to a human, animal or thing.

According to Napoleon Hill “Lack of loyalty is one of the major causes of failure in every walk of life.”


  1. 1.All who value relationships are virtuous
    2.All loving people are loyal
    3.Therefore, if you value relationships virtuous

  2. I agree that loyalty is a very important virtue because nowadays you can't trust me people because they arin't loyal. Which is difficult because you wouldn't know who to turn to then if there's no one you can trust. Which is why we need loyalty because that would make the world a better and valuable place.

  3. I agree that loyalty is a virtue that everyone should have. However, I believe that everyone has some form of loayilty within them. I feel that each person has at least one thing that they are loyal to. In saying that, I do agree that it is a trait that many should work on. There are a lot of people that take what they have for granted and because of that they do not stay loyal. If people stayed loyal to not just one thing, but everything, the world would be a better place.

  4. I completely agree that loyalty is an important virtue because without it there would be no trust in the world. Staying loyal to someone may be hard at times but if you stick with it I'm sure the benefits would be tremendous. Loyalty is a trait everyone should develop because in essence it will bring everyone closer together as a society.
