Monday, September 29, 2014


Despite all qualities of human beings, open-mindedness is a character trait every human being should inherit. The set beliefs and values parents raise their children limits them. The world contains a diverse population in which a variety of beliefs and values are practiced. Our strong beliefs should not be forgotten; instead it should be a part of the foundation of our character so that we are able to put them aside to listen to other beliefs.
Open-mindedness is a virtue obtained through maturity, experience, and the wise. Open-mindedness can be defined as removing personal biases and prejudices in any situation (meeting people, trying food, etc) to help engage oneself into an experience.
Allowing yourself to be empathetic, putting your feet in someone else’s shoes, to try to gain another perspective is being open-minded. Being open-mindedness allows us to think in more than one perspective, releasing endless possibilities to be discovered since different perspectives of one story makes the story better understood by people, so open-mindedness should be a virtue included in the business world. The different perspectives should be every human’s thoughts, beliefs, and values that is contributed to solving a problem.
With more thoughts and different perspectives, solving a problem would be easy.

All non-judgmental people are open-minded.
All people who can look past their negative thoughts about others (people/things) are non-judgmental.
Therefore, all people who can look past their negative thoughts about others are open-minded.
Since this generation is rapidly evolving, (in technology, society, environment) the inherited traits of mankind should change as well, making a leeway of open-mindedness for all.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


     Although there are a number of character traits one should develop; being responsible stands out to me the most. Everyone should take responsibility for how they respond to the world. Without responsible people the world would plunge into chaos. Responsible people are who keep the world in order. 
     Responsibility is defined as owning up and taking on the blame or praise for one's action, or having duty. Being responsible is an important step in life which symbolizes the transition from a child to an adult. A virtue is a behavior that shows moral standards. In my opinion, the world would be a much better place if everyone learned some simple virtues.
     Characteristics of a responsible person include loyalty, diligence, competence, hardworking, etc. Loyalty is sticking by someone in times of crisis, diligence is careful and persistent work or effort, competence is knowing what one is doing and if they don't asking to make sure they are doing it right, and hardworking is working to the best of one's ability. 

     Being responsible is a virtue because it is a key character trait everyone should hold. The lives of the ill are not left in the hands of irresponsible people. They are left in the hands of doctors, policemen, and firefighters. You wouldn't put the fate of the world, country, city, or a household in the hands of irresponsible people would? Neither would I. All power is held by responsible people. All responsible people are defined by power. Therefore, all responsible people are powerful.

Pessimistic means tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen.  It is a virtue because all people carry this trait, without thinking that they don’t.
                Pessimistic is the virtue that in my opinion people should have, because it is a different kind of virtue. Not all virtue are good, some are bad.  All good behaviors are not virtuous. Not all aspects of life have a happy ending, in which people make them seem. Being pessimistic is not a bad thing, but it is not a good thing either. Pessimistic is basically some people way of life.  They can not help if they come off in a negative way, they don’t know that it hurts peoples feeling, they feel that they are telling the truth.  It doesn’t bounce back to any of the virtues that were talked about in class, but it does bounce back to the way Euthyphro , on how he feels about prosecuting his dad, for the death of the servant.  All deeds are not justified.
To most people this character trait is bad, well to me, in my opinion it is good because most people always have that fire in them.  That fire will get you to places that, no one can ever get before. Pessimistic is a virtue that everyone should have .

Therefore all good behavior are not virtuous.

Virtue is an excellent character trait that everyone should strive to develop. I believe that kindness is a great example of virtue.

According to the internet, kindness is a behavior marked by ethical characteristics, a pleasant disposition, and concern for others. However, I believe kindness is being friendly to others, helping others out, and being considerate about others emotion. You should learn kindness while you’re growing up, kindness is next to manners. It is essential to your life. Kindness can go a very long way in life, it can never get too old.

Barbara argument:
All acts that not only benefit you but also others, are virtuous.
All kind acts are acts that not only benefit you but also others.
Therefore, all kind acts are virtuous.

I believe that kindness is a virtue because it is a great trait that all human beings should. You can say hi to a stranger and the fact that you said hi to them could makes their entire day or inspire them to make a new friend. Kindness doesn't have to be only you saying hi to someone, it could be you helping someone that you see is in need of help or comforting someone that isn't in the best of moods. You could be kind to a stranger and the stranger could turn out to be the person who is about to interview you for this new job, that alone could benefit you towards getting the job. I read somewhere that kindness is an attribute of God and quality desirable but not consistently found in humans, I agree with this statement because even if we were brought up to be kind to one another one way or another we seem to lose that lesson.  God was kind enough to die on the cross for our sins but yet we cannot stop caring only about ourselves or our reputation and help someone in need of help. I found this definition interesting because it is similar to the definition of virtue, because it’s something that everyone should have but yet they do not. So I believe that kindness is a virtue.


What is humility?  Humility is a virtue that describes the quality or state of not thinking you are better than other people. This is a virtue that I believe that everyone should have but it’s difficult for everyone to obtain. People in society nowadays have too much pride. They feel that everything and anything that they do is not wrong. This, in turns leads to problems in our community. Society begins to clash because individuals have different views that may go against our own and because we have too much pride to just tolerant it, things can get chaotic. We as a society place ourselves on a high pedestal and are afraid to step down from it because we freight the judgment that others may place on us. But if we humble ourselves we wouldn’t have to worry about this.

People should try to achieve the state of humility because it has its benefits that comes with it. When a person is humble they develop a sense of high self-control. Once they lose the obsession with the self, they have more strength and energy to give to the world. They aren’t spending tremendous amount of time worried about themselves but they are spending the time to help out others. Another benefit of being humble is having a low sense of entitlement. People who are humble don’t think that they are owed things. This results to less prejudiced views in the world. Because humble people don’t feel like they are entitled to things, they tend to be more open-minded and tolerant to others views and beliefs. This helps decrease the amount of tension and or arguments that may possibly happen in the world. Being humble is one key to a strong and a successful life.

These findings have important consequences for the broader domain of community. When you take the time to humble yourself, you are working on a better you and this will helps out your community. When you bring positive vibes into the world, you get positive vibes back.

1. All actions used to strengthen a community are virtuous.
2. All humble acts help strengthen a community.
3. Therefore all humble acts are virtuous.

Blog 1 - Virtue

The virtue creativity can be define as the habit of producing new ideas and expressing them in art and problem solving, to diverge from a standard or old idea. If everyone should develop this, it would make entertainment more enjoyable and would produce new forms of entertainment faster. The process of innovation would become much faster with more creative people. Creativity is a virtue, meaning it shows a high moral standard but, this virtue is also the ability to generate new useful ideas and alternatives. This is different than the virtues talked about in class. Piety is the devotion to an idea, where creativity is the tendency to develop different ideas.
Creativity is a virtue because it’s what distinguishes a leader from a group. Being able to see from a different perspective can help generate new ideas that aim to solve an existing problem or evolve a previous idea or to make it better. When a creative person expresses their new idea to others, and they also see it improving, they will follow the creative person; until the idea doesn’t do what the creative person says it would.
  1. All new ideas that aim to improve a society are virtuous.
  2. All creative acts are new ideas that aim to improve a society.
  3. Therefore, all creative acts are virtuous.
In conclusion, one who shows creativity is virtuous because they become a leader and because they aim to improve a society using new ideas. Creativity may be in everyone but not everyone is creative because not everyone likes to be different or try different things.



A general character trait i think everyone should have is loyalty. Being loyal is a great virtue to have because being loyal to anything shows determination and that you are caring/trustworthy towards anything.

Loyalty is considered a important virtue because with out it no Friendships/relationships could be made or last. Being loyal is very important because if you aren't loyal there won't be any trust with anyone like a loved one or manager (etc).Alot of people don't have loyalty as a character trait and that's why it's very hard to trust people nowadays. Without loyalty there's no trust and no trust means lieing and being a sneaky person which causes alot of problems between loved ones and Friendships. An example would be if something happened with you and you're best friend and he/she trusted you to keep quiet about it and not let anyone know and you tell people you're friendship would be over or not the same because you're best friend can no longer feel they can trust you anymore.

1. All faithful people are loyal
2. All trustworthy people are faithful
3.Therefore all trustworthy people are loyal

Being loyal makes you a better person in life and the people around you better people as well. Loyalty is very important and if you don't choose to be loyal than that's on you but life with other people will be very difficult. Everyone can loyal but some people choose not be but those who don't choose to be loyal will be miserable and those who are loyal won't because you will earn the trust of many which could help you in the end if you ever need anything.

Therefore loyalty is a character trait people should have and use. Being loyal will help you in you're life with anything no matter what it is but you can choose not to but life will  be very difficult without it and that's why its very important.


          A person can be considered virtuous when they possess multiple admirable qualities and demonstrate moral excellence. It is hard for many to agree on the moral standards that a virtue should hold. Everyone has a different view on the world and what is right.

          There is one virtue that is often forgotten, but it is one of the most important. Generosity is giving freely without expecting anything in return. It is about being entirely unselfish and willing to put others needs before yours. Generosity is a trait that comes completely from the heart, making it a very significant virtue. What many fail to understand is that generosity is one of the most important traits an individual can have.

1. All acts of generosity are virtuous.
2. All unselfish acts are generous.
3. Therefore, all unselfish acts are virtuous.
        How can one be truly happy with themselves when the world is filled with sadness? A single gesture, such as holding the door open, can make a person’s day. In order to make the world a better place, we cannot expect to make everyone happy all at once. We also cannot give more than we can afford to give. Generosity reflects a person’s passion to help others, not how much is given. Small steps and gestures can lead to huge changes in the world.
       Generosity harvests peace, success and happiness in the lives of everyone that it reaches. We need to start looking around and noticing what other people need. By reaching out and lending a hand we can dramatically improve the quality of our lives and others.

BLOG 1- We need Loyalty!

     What is Loyalty? Everyone has their own perception of what loyalty means to them. It is a virtue that many people don’t have, and also one that many wish they had.  There are many forms of Loyalty and there are different extents that it travels. When dealing with a family member, a friend or a lover the separation of the word comes to play. It’s how devoted you are to a noun in your life.
     Loyalty is important to build long lasting friendships. It shows how intact you are with other, how you view them and how imperative they are to you. ” Loyalty means unswerving allegiance in what you do. It is in your mind and heart. Loyalty can be demanding and involve sacrifice. Loyalty is a form of LOVE. It is directed to another person or cause” said Clarence Francis.

     You can buy a person with using materialistic things. You can buy a person’s time, you cannot buy the devotion of hearts, minds, or soul, and these traits are thing you much gain over time. It’s easy to give a person something to keep them around but to actually build a bond with that person is different. You’ll know whether they are around for the items you gave them are because they enjoy your company.
  1. All who value relationships are loyal.
  2. All loving people are loyal.
  3. Therefore, if you value relationships your loyal.

I wonder how many of us fit in the category of being loyal, whether to a human, animal or thing.

According to Napoleon Hill “Lack of loyalty is one of the major causes of failure in every walk of life.”

Acceptance: An Uncommon Virtue

Acceptance: An Uncommon Virtue

A virtue is a character trait people try to develop because they find it benefical to their personal lives. There are many virtues which include piety, justice, wisdom, courage, moderation, and honesty. These virtues help individuals benefit the society we live in today.
An important virtue everyone should develop is acceptance. Acceptance is understanding and taking a piece of information and coping with it. What this means is that some people when faced with a dilemma or a critical situation break down and can't accept it. What a lot of individuals need to develop is the mental ability to accept a given situation and from their cope with it. This "situation" can be just receiving a bit of information or can even stretch to an actual physical conflict.

Acceptance as a virtue is understanding or embracing a given thing rather than giving up or wishing for it to go away. It could relate to the acceptance of a social idea or a simple problem at home. What makes acceptance a virtue is several things. First off most virtues seem to be classified as traits that when possessed by an individual their life is better because of it. This can definitely be said for acceptance because it allows for people to cope with conflicts placed in their way. Acceptance like a lot of virtues is something that not every individual has mentally. However, this does not prevent them from trying to develop and aquire it in order to benefit society or just themselves.

1. All occurrences of conflict that are accepted are virtuous.

2. All accepted conflicts are beneficial for individuals.

3. Thus, all accepted conflicts are virtuous.

Acceptance is a virtue that I personally believe is as important as any other. It helps make life easier for people and probably can make a group stronger.


            Acquiring good character traits and virtues are essential to becoming a person who can enhance society, and some traits are more crucial to have than others.   One trait that I feel everyone should strive to develop is perseverance. This would mean that the culture of our people would be hard workers, people who didn’t give up.  Perseverance is continuing to work hard despite the difficulty in the task or the delay in achieving success.
            If we were in a society where everyone was raised with the importance of developing perseverance we would be in a place where many, many more goals were reached.
1.     All goals are accomplished through perseverance.
2.     All hard work accomplishes goals.
3.     Therefore, all hard work is perseverance.
            Another reason that perseverance is an excellent character trait that I think everyone needs to have is because it creates a good work ethic.  If we were in a world of people who didn’t give up just because something got a little challenging, imagine how more smoothly our nation would function.  If good work ethic was a common thing among people I am sure that more business’s would stay in business, employees may get better wages or promotions at jobs which would enhance the economy, and finding jobs wouldn’t be as difficult because all employees would enhance the work place and be a necessity to keeping the business running smoothly, thus decreasing the unemployment rate.  These are just some of the many things that would happen if everyone were to have perseverance and kept trying when the going gets tough.

            There are a multitude of goods character traits that people should develop to be well rounded and successful, others more vital than others. Perseverance is one of the most important virtues for someone to have.  A person with perseverance will accomplish more goals than the average person and have a strong work ethic, which will help them with almost any aspect of life.

              Virtues are examples of moral excellence. Virtue can be defined as a positive trait that is deemed morally good in society. Justice, wisdom, courage and honestly are all great examples of virtue. They all exemplify the best and most positive and morally good acts in society. Another act that is also both positive and morally good is the act of being thoughtful.
            Thoughtfulness can be defined as being constantly considerate of other’s needs. This trait is different and set aside from other traits because of how being thoughtful is ‘constantly’ thinking about others and not self. ‘Constantly’ is the key word here. While many other traits do involving thinking about others. Thoughtfulness is constantly, continuing over a period of time not just once or twice, being considerate of others wants and needs. It is showing heed for the well-being or happiness of others and an inclination for anticipating their needs or wishes. It is a virtue because it is morally correct and a positive trait to society, to not always think about self but constantly considering others feeling, wants and needs. Today’s society is full of instant gratification and selfishness, deeply and constantly thinking about others and not self is an important virtue for it is so scarce. When we are constantly thinking about others we become aware of their needs and can act accordingly. When we are thoughtful we can build better and stronger relationships, negative traits like selfishness and envy will become less and less prominent.
 The Barbara Arguments states:
1    1.  All acts of thinking about others well-being are virtuous
2    2.  All acts of thoughtfulness are acts of thinking about others well-being
3    3. Therefore all acts of thoughtfulness are virtuous.

There is no denying that the era we live in is of selfies and selfishness, people are so absorbed in their own space that they do not think about others. Through this selfishness, negative traits such as envy, greed and malice are developed. That is why people should develop the virtue of being thoughtful; constantly being considerate of others will help to get rid of the negative traits in society and it will foster positive traits like kindness and helpfulness which will make the society we are living in a better place.

Monday, September 15, 2014

My Virtue: Self-Respect

            Virtues are the core of our soul and what makes our life have a purpose. Virtues help one have individual ethical greatness. However, depending on ones specific beliefs that alters what positive traits or virtues one has. The virtue of self-respect cannot be left behind if one wants to be morally good.
My virtue is self-respect which is having pride and confidence in oneself. It helps us achieve the peace of mind one needs to succeed in their everyday life. Before anyone can love someone else they need to love themself first. Accepting who you are will help accepting who others are for who they are with their flaws included. Self-respects builds the foundation for how one treats themselves and how one let’s others treat them. From decision-making, one can notice how much self-respect one does or doesn’t have. For example, if one allows their boy friend to cheat on them several times someone can realize how little self-respect that person has. A person with self-respect would realize they deserve someone better. The cheating boyfriend realizes the low self-respect the girl friend has and takes advantage of that. When an individual is not treating themselves well that’s when everything else in life goes down hill too. How one carries themselves reflects on others as well. Self-respect helps to build strong and lasting friendships that are beneficial to one another. Everyone should believe they are good and worthy of anything they want in life. No other virtue will help others treat you better and affect every aspect of our lives in a positive way. Everyone needs to be proud of who they are. Therefore, everyone should develop this virtue.
If one does not know how to appreciate and accept themselves for who they are, how do people expect others to? Life is too short to not love yourself. People accept bad grades, jobs, and relationships because they think they don’t deserve anything better. Anyone and everyone can have a good relationship or job if they go out there with a positive mind. Relationships go down hill when self-respect is lacking.
All acts of self-respect are virtuous
All acts of confidence are acts of self-respect
Therefore, all acts of confidence are virtuous

            One needs to love themselves enough to choose what makes their life better and their self happy. Self-respect is one of the many virtues that people need to have to live a happy and fulfilling life.

            There are many virtues that people stand by.  Some of these include honesty, courage, wisdom and many others.  But none of those are possible without having the virtue of patience, patience for many people is the most important trait of a person, without patients nothing in life would be possible.
            Patience is defined by, having the ability to wait for what you want, without getting angry or upset.  This is very different from what we talked about in class, mostly in class we talked about a higher power, or some sort of characteristic that would define you as an honorable person. However without patience nothing would be achievable, as a famous quote states, “good things come to those people who wait.”
1.      All successful people are patient,
2.      All smart people are teaching our youth
3.      Therefore all smart people are patient  
The reason why I think that patient people are virtues is because, in my opinion acquiring patience is very difficult and it isn’t just handed to you, you have to practice every day little by little to acquire patience which can be hard for some people to accomplish.  It all obviously depends on your background and where you came from, what family, how you were raised etc. But I think without patience you can’t accomplish all of the things that you would want to do in life, therefore making your life as eventful or as fun as it could be requires a great deal of patience. 
      Patience is a virtue because in order to be successful in life you need to be patient.  Nothing will just fall in place for you, you need to be patient and put yourself through school for example in order to achieve greater things in your life such as a job and family.  Nothing great happens to those who rush and don’t wait for the opportunities that they have in life.