Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Formalism vs Romanticism

Art has been present in today’s society for hundreds of decades. Art may vary from painting, dancing, poetry and music. Aesthetic tries to define through philosophy good vs bad art. Aesthetic studies the foundation of art and states art is supposed to capture something significant about reality. They believe that art should be relevant to the world and imperative to society. However art is a form of expression, it does not necessarily have to mean something to a set of people but evoke certain emotions through them. 
Explanatory Breadth: The two main arguments used in describing art is the Formalism and Romanticism. Formalism states that art is to be based on its form, and romanticism states that art expresses non-rational emotions and does so in order to make us aware of a mysterious transcendent reality.
Explanatory Depth: Formalism is based on society perception of things. It is not ideal to emotions and therefore lacking the connection to the real world. Romanticism allows you to come up with your own conclusion of a specific work of art. It allows you to go beyond the literal meaning of art and define the meaning based on feelings, experiences, and understanding.  

Simplicity: I believe that as a society we cannot define art. Art is something that evoke emotions through live experiences. Throughout these experiences we experience emotions such as pain, embarrassment, love, anger, and fear. The factors in which these emotions come could vary from individuals. For example, if I look at a painting that depicted a dark stormy night I could be either have a positive or negative response to the painting.
Conservatism: Romanticism is more conservatism based on the fact that emotion is the center for our basis. In today’s society, when displaying art either in a gallery or a home, people seek the emotional connection the art gives. It is believe that people feel more connected to something when they are emotionally invested into it.  
1.      Romanticism and Formalism are the most reasonable explanation of art.
2.      Romanticism has much more explanatory breadth, explanatory depth and conservatism and simplicity.
3.      Therefore Romanticism is the best explanation of art.


  1. I feel that for your explanatory breadth you just defined what formalism and romanticism feel for art and not which one has the best explanatory breadth as asked.

  2. Tamieca,
    Overall your blog post can have more detail involved in it. In the explanatory breadth paragraph, you simply just state the definitions of formalism and romanticism. You don't explain that formalism uses only beauty and pleasure in the artworks, which makes romanticism have more explanatory breadth. You didn't even state which ones has more explanatory breadth. For explanatory depth you don't state which ones has more than the other. Next time just keep that in mind!

  3. The way that you described tour explanatory breadth and depth is confusing. It doesn't explain which has more as detailed as you could. If you could do this blog post over, I would recommend that you take the time to thoroughly explain them.
